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Mrs.Luo (Guangxi)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


I am from Guangxi, China. I have been working as a postpartum caregiver (yuesao) for eight years. I have previously worked as a support yuesao in the maternity ward of a women and children's hospital in China, specializing in the care of newborns and postpartum mothers. Since 2017, I have continued to work as a postpartum caregiver and infant nanny in the United States. I have worked at various postpartum centers, including Mei Fu, Min Su, Mei Bao, and many others. I have cared for dozens of babies and served American families. I have a loving, patient, and attentive approach when it comes to babies, and I am thorough and responsible in caring for postpartum mothers. As a Luvibee in-home postpartum caregiver, my goal is to earn the recognition and positive feedback of the families I serve. I wish for every baby to grow up healthy, and for every postpartum mother to have a fulfilling postpartum period.

Mrs.Sang (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, everyone! I'm Mrs.Sang, and I've been in the United States for nearly 10 years with a green card and a driver's license. I was born in Guangdong and lived there for many years, so I'm familiar with the lifestyle in Guangdong. Later, I moved to Nanning, Guangxi. I am a professional postpartum caregiver and also work as an infant nanny. I have received professional training in mother and infant care, and I have experience in lactation support, newborn care, and postpartum care for mothers. I specialize in preparing postpartum meals, primarily following Cantonese cuisine. can make a variety of soups, nutritious dishes, and primarily focus on Southern-style cuisine, which tends to be lighter on salt. I pay close attention to nutrition and can accommodate the preferences of the mothers I serve. I am a friendly and accommodating person who respects the opinions of the mothers I work with. I maintain open communication with the mothers to ensure the well-being of both the baby and the mother. I am diligent, hardworking, and take my responsibilities seriously. I hope that my mothers will be satisfied with my services.

Mrs.Ku  (Taiwan)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, I'm Mrs.Ku. I am originally from Taiwan and have been living in Taipei for nearly 20 years. I have a college degree and close to a decade of experience in postpartum care, specializing as a postpartum caregiver and infant nanny. I have served many families in mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Guangdong. Four years ago, I moved to Los Angeles, USA, to continue my work as a postpartum caregiver and infant nanny. I excel in promoting lactation and lactation support and am skilled in preparing medicinal meals to aid postpartum recovery. I can prepare both Taiwanese-style postpartum meals and Cantonese-style soups. I can adapt my cooking to suit the preferences of the mothers I serve.I have a cheerful and gentle personality, treat people sincerely, and show care and consideration to every mother and baby. I have a great love for babies, interact well with them, and provide meticulous daily care. I am skilled in introducing complementary foods and ensuring proper nutrition for older babies. I am diligent, honest, and dedicated in my work. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you.

Mrs.Lu (Hunan/Taiwan)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

您好,我是魯阿姨,籍貫湖南長沙,目前是臺灣身份,2015 年開始在美國加拿大做月嫂。 有愛心,耐心,責任心,深受顧主好評。 我於1983 年畢業於衛生學校中專,曾在婦幼保健院做護士,有豐富的的護理經驗。後來轉做月嫂育兒嫂工作多年,積累大量的月子護理經驗。我在臺灣生活多年,會做臺式月子餐及各種南方月子膳食,主要以清淡為主。 我為人隨和,以僱主家庭的利益為先,配合寶媽媽帶好寶寶是我的責任,每個寶寶快樂健康成長是我的心願。 希望有機會為大家服務!

Hello, I'm Mrs.Lu, originally from Changsha, Hunan, and currently holding Taiwanese citizenship. I have been working as a postpartum caregiver (yuesao) in the United States and Canada since 2015. I am known for my compassion, patience, and sense of responsibility, and I have received high praise from the families I've served. I graduated from a health school with a diploma in 1983 and worked as a nurse at a maternal and child health hospital, gaining extensive nursing experience. Later, I transitioned to become a postpartum caregiver and infant nanny, accumulating a wealth of experience in postpartum care. I have lived in Taiwan for many years and can prepare Taiwanese-style postpartum meals as well as various Southern-style postpartum dishes, with an emphasis on lighter flavors. I am easygoing and prioritize the interests of the families I work for. It is my responsibility to assist mothers in caring for their babies, and my greatest wish is to see every baby grow up happily and healthily. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you!

Mrs.Gao (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, I'm Mrs.Gao, originally from Foshan, Guangdong. I have been working in maternal and infant services for 11 years and have extensive experience in caring for mothers and babies. I have an outgoing and responsible personality, and both mothers and fathers trust me with the care of their babies. I have cared for hundreds of babies, including premature babies, twins, jaundiced babies, low birth weight babies, and more. I have my own methods for observing jaundice in babies, umbilical cord care, fostering good habits, and promoting brain development. I provide baby massages, engage in conversation with babies, and interact with them to promote their well-being. I also assist mothers with their daily activities, especially during the first two weeks after childbirth. I help mothers with postpartum discharge, breast care, and achieving successful breastfeeding. Additionally, I am skilled in preparing delicious postpartum meals, including nutritious dishes and medicinal soups.

Mrs.Liu (Shanghai)

舊金山灣區 San Francisco Bay Area

大家好,我是劉阿姨,來自上海。 我2010來美國就一直從事母嬰護理的工作,在臺灣月子中心工作多年,對照顧產婦和嬰兒非常有經驗也有自己的心得,月子餐可口豐富,兼顧南北方菜譜,合理搭配,營養均衡,並按照媽媽的口味做調整,也會做月子藥膳幫助媽媽調理身體。 在照護嬰兒方面,我護理過80多個寶寶,其中有早產兒,雙胞胎,包皮術後護理,特殊血管瘤寶寶護理,特殊鞘膜積液寶寶護理等。 我熱愛自己從事的月嫂工作,得到每一個寶媽的認可和支援是我工作的動力。 能為寶媽家庭帶來一個安心的月子期是我最美好的願望。

Hello everyone, I'm Mrs.Liu from Shanghai. I have been working in maternal and infant care since 2010 when I came to the United States. I have worked in Taiwanese postpartum centers for many years, and I have extensive experience in caring for mothers and babies, along with my own insights. I prepare delicious and diverse postpartum meals, incorporating recipes from both southern and northern Chinese cuisines. I ensure a balanced and nutritious diet, adjusting it according to the mother's preferences. I also prepare postpartum medicinal soups to help mothers with their physical recovery. In terms of baby care, I have taken care of over 80 babies, including premature babies, twins, babies recovering from circumcision, and those with special vascular birthmarks or hydrocephalus. I am passionate about my work as a postpartum caregiver, and receiving recognition and support from every mother is what motivates me. My greatest wish is to provide a safe and comforting postpartum period for the families I serve.

Mrs.Zhao (Taiwan)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


I have been in the United States for over 30 years since coming from Taiwan, and I have worked in the postpartum industry for 14 years. I specialize in preparing authentic Taiwanese postpartum meals and taking care of newborns. I am now a U.S. citizen. I am experienced in handling various situations related to newborns, such as feeding, putting them to sleep, caring for the umbilical cord, and managing jaundice. In terms of mothers, I assist with postpartum recovery, milk production stimulation, and preventing breast engorgement. I help both the baby and the mother achieve successful breastfeeding. I can prepare authentic Taiwanese dishes as well as Cantonese-style soups and southern Chinese cuisine with various flavors. My personality is easygoing, and I am skilled in communication. I am meticulous and compassionate. I have been collaborating with Luvibee for many years, and our partnership has been enjoyable. I hope to bring excellent postpartum services to our clients.

Mrs.Tao (Wenzhou)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

大家好,我是陶阿姨,溫州人,2010年開始做月嫂至今,有高級月嫂證。 在美國工作八年,一直從事月嫂育嬰嫂工作,照顧過雙胞胎和早產兒,有豐富護理理經驗。 我的月子服務包括24小時照護寶寶,配合媽媽母乳餵養,調配月子藥膳調理身體,養血下奶。 我會做各式燉湯,養生月子茶,南北菜色。 我真心疼愛寶寶,提供嬰兒撫觸,嬰兒保健操,預防黃疸,臍部護理,臀部護理等。 月子中照顧媽媽飲食起居,給媽媽調養身體,護理傷口,護理乳房,產後開奶,產婦收腹及康復保健操,並預防月子病。 本人性格直爽樂觀、為人善良、勤勞誠實,得到產婦及其家人的很多好評。

Hello everyone, I'm Mrs.Tao, originally from Wenzhou. I've been working as a postpartum caregiver since 2010 and hold a senior postpartum caregiver certificate. I have been working in the United States for eight years, primarily in the roles of postpartum and infant caregiver. I have experience caring for twins and premature babies, gaining extensive nursing experience over the years. My postpartum services include 24-hour baby care, support for breastfeeding mothers, and the preparation of postpartum meals to nourish and promote milk production. I can make various types of nourishing soups, herbal postpartum teas, and dishes from both northern and southern Chinese cuisines. I genuinely love babies and provide baby massages, infant exercises, jaundice prevention, umbilical cord care, and diaper area care. During the postpartum period, I assist mothers with their diet, daily activities, body conditioning, wound care, breast care, postpartum lactation, abdominal recovery exercises, and preventive measures for postpartum conditions. My personality is straightforward, optimistic, kind-hearted, diligent, and honest. I have received many positive reviews from mothers and their families for my services.

Mrs.Huang (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

寶媽們好,我是⻩阿姨,祖籍中國廣東,曾經是印尼華僑。 來美很多年,一直從事月嫂育嬰嫂工作。 曾在臺灣月子中心學習並實習2年,擅長台式月子,至今已經帶過50多個寶寶。 我對寶寶的照護方法是結合傳統和現代的科學育兒知識和方法,把握寶寶從0到3歲的大腦開發關鍵期,給寶寶的人生打下堅實的基礎。 月子里我會24小時照顧寶寶。 給寶寶洗澡,做撫觸操,護理臍帶和小屁屁。 我擅⻓開奶催乳,幫助指導媽媽母乳餵養,觀察媽媽的惡露和子宮收縮情況。 我會做一手色香味且營養的好菜,擅長廣式臺式月子餐,煲湯等。 我性格隨和,容易溝通,希望和您一起照顧好寶寶,幫助您度過一個健康順利的月子期。

Hello to all the mothers, I'm Mrs.Huang, originally from Guangdong, China, and I used to be an Indonesian Chinese. I've been living in the United States for many years and have been working as a postpartum and infant caregiver. I also studied and interned at a postpartum center in Taiwan for two years, specializing in Taiwanese postpartum practices. To date, I've cared for over 50 babies. My approach to baby care combines traditional and modern scientific knowledge and methods, focusing on the critical period of brain development from 0 to 3 years old. I aim to provide babies with a solid foundation for their future lives. During the postpartum period, I provide 24-hour care for the baby, including bathing, baby massages, umbilical cord and diaper area care. I'm skilled in lactation assistance and can guide mothers in breastfeeding, monitor lochia (postpartum discharge), and uterine contractions. I excel at preparing delicious, aromatic, and nutritious meals, specializing in both Cantonese and Taiwanese postpartum cuisine, including nourishing soups.  My personality is easygoing, and I'm a good communicator. I hope to work with you to take excellent care of your baby and help you have a healthy and smooth postpartum period.

Mrs.Xiong (Guangxi)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

本人熊阿姨,來自廣西,在深圳工作多年,在國內做6年月嫂,2016年來美,在月子中心做專職月嫂三年多,然後從事住家月嫂至今。 有豐富的照顧寶媽和帶寶寶的經驗。 在國內曾接受專業月嫂培訓,廣式及臺灣月子餐的專業培訓。 在月子裡我會幫助產婦恢復體型,幫助子宮收縮,排毒滋養,鞏固乳汁等,並給予產婦適時的心裡安慰,幫助疏通乳腺,預防石頭奶。 月子里我會隨時觀察新生兒的臍帶脫落,定時洗澡,按摩撫觸,觀察黃膽,預防濕疹,紅屁股,腸氣,腸絞痛等常見症狀。 我勤勞儉樸,認真工作,有責任心。

Hello, I'm Mrs.Xiong, originally from Guangxi, China. I worked in Shenzhen for many years before coming to the United States in 2016. I have 6 years of experience as a postpartum caregiver in China and worked as a full-time postpartum caregiver at a postpartum center for over three years. Currently, I provide in-home postpartum care. I have extensive experience in taking care of mothers and babies. In China, I received professional training as a postpartum caregiver, including training in Cantonese and Taiwanese postpartum cuisine. During the postpartum period, I assist mothers in recovering their body shape, promoting uterine contraction, detoxification, and strengthening lactation. I also provide emotional support to mothers, help with breast milk flow, and prevent conditions like blocked ducts. In terms of baby care, I monitor the baby's umbilical cord stump, give regular baths, provide massages, and watch for common symptoms like jaundice, diaper rash, colic, and abdominal pain. I'm diligent, hardworking, and responsible in my work. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with postpartum and baby care.

Mrs.Wang (Shanghai)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

僱主您好,我是王姐,來自自大陸上海市,高中文化,是一名職業月嫂。 在上海做住家月嫂2年,自2016年5月來到美國做住家月嫂至今,服務過幾十個寶寶家庭,照顧過雙胞胎,低重寶寶,早產寶寶,代孕寶寶,黃疸寶寶等等。 擁有多年的月嫂經驗,照顧媽媽產褥期的各種需要,幫助媽媽通乳開奶。 我擅長做南方月子菜,主要是粵菜和上海菜,會煲月子藥膳和催乳湯以及各式甜品小食。 我會按照媽媽的口味和身體需要制定飲⻝計劃,讓月子餐好吃又有營養。 我為人乾淨整潔,工作嚴謹,對寶寶認真負責,對寶媽尊重遵從,有良好的溝通能力,希望有機會為您提供服務。

Hello, employer. I'm Mrs.Wang from Shanghai, China, with a high school education, and I'm a professional postpartum nanny. I worked as a live-in postpartum nanny for 2 years in Shanghai and have been working as one in the United States since May 2016. I have served dozens of families with babies, including taking care of twins, low-weight babies, premature babies, surrogacy babies, jaundiced babies, and more. I have many years of experience in postpartum care, helping mothers with various needs during the postpartum period, including breastfeeding assistance. I excel in preparing southern-style postpartum meals, primarily Cantonese and Shanghainese cuisine. I can also make postpartum nourishing soups, lactation-promoting teas, and various desserts and snacks. I create a customized dietary plan based on the mother's preferences and nutritional requirements to ensure that the postpartum meals are both delicious and nutritious. I am a clean and organized person, and I approach my work with diligence and responsibility, especially when it comes to taking care of babies. I respect and follow the wishes of mothers and have excellent communication skills. I hope to have the opportunity to provide my services to you.

Mrs.Li (Shenyang)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

寶媽好,我是李阿姨,來自中國瀋陽。 在國內是一名醫生,分別在內科和產科執業過,有著豐富的醫療經驗。 來美國後學習母嬰護理課程及催乳開奶課程,成為職業月嫂。 在美十多年,一直從事月嫂育兒嫂工作,照顧過各樣情況的寶寶,擅長黃疸護理,臍帶護理,各種術后護理,嬰兒撫觸按摩,處理新生兒常見疾病有豐富的經驗。 對產婦產後恢復會給予最多幫助,例如觀察產後惡露,按摩促進子宮恢復,剖腹產傷口護理,生產傷口護理,照顧產婦生活起居,恢復體能,預防月子病。 本人善於溝通,性格開朗,希望我的月子服務讓寶媽們滿意放心。

Hello, new mothers. I'm Mrs.Li from Shenyang, China. Back in China, I worked as a doctor, specializing in internal medicine and obstetrics. I have extensive medical experience in both fields. After coming to the United States, I completed courses in maternal and infant care as well as lactation assistance to become a professional postpartum nanny. I've been in the United States for over a decade, working as a postpartum and infant care nanny. I have experience taking care of babies with various needs and conditions. I excel in jaundice care, umbilical cord care, various post-surgery care, infant touch and massage, and dealing with common newborn illnesses. I focus on providing the most help to postpartum mothers, including observing postpartum lochia, performing massages to promote uterine recovery, caring for cesarean section incisions, general postpartum wound care, assisting with daily activities, aiding physical recovery, and preventing postpartum illnesses. I'm skilled at communication and have an outgoing personality. I hope that my postpartum services will leave new mothers satisfied and worry-free.

Mrs.Deng (Guangxi)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

大家好,我是鄧姐,祖籍廣西,在廣東做月嫂工作15年。擁有多年月嫂和帶奶的工作經驗,有月嫂證書。有豐富的新生兒護理經驗,可處理嬰兒各種難題,像是臍帶護理、紅臀、黃疸等等。我在國內上海、北京、香港等地從事月嫂工作,有十多年帶寶寶的技能和經驗。 24小時全天候照護寶寶,負責寶寶房的衛生和清潔。照護產後媽媽無微不至,順產或剖腹產我都有豐富的護理經驗。我做事乾淨利落、任勞任怨,是一個優秀的月嫂,如哪位準媽媽需要,我會盡我全力來照顧好您和您的寶寶。

Hello everyone, I'm Mrs.Deng, originally from Guangxi, and I have worked as a postpartum nanny in Guangdong for 15 years. I hold a postpartum nanny certificate and have extensive experience in both postpartum care and infant care. I'm well-versed in caring for newborns and can handle various challenges such as umbilical cord care, diaper rash, jaundice, and more. I have worked as a postpartum nanny in various locations in China, including Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong, accumulating over a decade of experience in caring for babies. I provide 24/7 care for infants, ensuring the cleanliness and hygiene of their rooms. I am meticulous in taking care of postpartum mothers, whether they have had a natural birth or a C-section, drawing from my wealth of nursing experience. I am efficient and hardworking in my work, and I am committed to being an excellent postpartum nanny. If any expectant mothers require my services, I will do my utmost to take care of you and your baby.

Mrs.Chen (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, I'm Mrs.Chen from Guangdong. I graduated as an early childhood education specialist and was once a preschool teacher. After retiring, I have been working as a professional postpartum nanny for over 10 years. I have received training in mother and infant postpartum care and infant massage, as well as attended courses on postpartum nutrition. In caring for babies, I provide comprehensive care to meet their physical and psychological needs. Whether it's breastfeeding or formula feeding, I ensure stable growth for the baby. I also take proactive measures to prevent and address common issues like jaundice and eczema, reducing the likelihood of these problems. I have extensive experience in caring for the baby's umbilical cord, post-circumcision care, and assisting mothers in their postpartum recovery. I am skilled in giving babies baths and providing soothing massages, which are meaningful forms of parent-child interaction. I can also teach new parents how to care for their newborns. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you!

Mrs.Jia (Shenyang)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

大家好!我是賈阿姨,我是位有責任心及耐心的阿姨,我非常喜愛寶寶,對寶寶非常有愛心。我會時常觀察寶寶大、小便,我能隨時發現寶寶的問題,像是紅疹、紅臀、黃疸等等。我二十四小時照護寶寶,給予寶寶滿滿的愛。產婦方面,我會幫忙疏通乳腺,給予產後媽媽心理慰藉,擅常煲湯,也會做補品,像是燕窩、魚膠等等,月子餐會依照媽媽口味做改變,我時間安排合理,願意和客戶溝通 ,能變通。

Hello everyone! I'm Mrs.Jia, a responsible and patient caregiver who absolutely loves babies. I have a lot of affection for them. I regularly monitor the baby's urination and bowel movements, and I can quickly identify any issues such as diaper rash, redness, jaundice, and more. I provide around-the-clock care for the baby, showering them with love and attention. For new mothers, I assist with breast engorgement and provide emotional support during the postpartum period. I'm skilled at making soups and preparing supplements like bird's nest and fish gelatin. I adjust the confinement meals to suit the mother's taste, and I manage my time effectively. I'm always open to communication and adaptable to meet the client's needs.

Mrs.Liu (Shandong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, I'm from Qingdao, Shandong, and you can call me Mrs.Liu. I have a college degree and over ten years of experience working as a maternity nurse and infant caregiver. I have worked as a professional infant caregiver and maternity nurse in China, Australia, Canada, and continued my work in Los Angeles, USA, for the past four years. I have a cheerful and gentle personality, am sincere in my interactions, and approach my work with dedication, seriousness, and honesty. I am considerate and attentive when taking care of both new mothers and newborn babies. I am skilled in caring for newborns, including umbilical cord care, jaundice management, and diaper rash prevention. I also provide infant massage and exercises to promote their well-being. I am capable of adjusting the baby's daily routine to ensure they get the best care. I love children and enjoy interacting with them. I am easy to communicate with, have a friendly demeanor, and have a strong sense of responsibility. I am passionate about my work and have a caring and meticulous nature when it comes to infants and young children. I hope to have the opportunity to serve you.

Mrs.Liu (Hubei)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

大家好,我是劉姊,湖北人,從事月嫂工作10年,對於嬰兒護理和產婦護理方面有豐富的經驗,2012年開始從事月嫂工作,2016 年來美國從事月嫂、育嬰師工作。【新生兒護理】我是一個很愛乾淨,很喜歡寶寶的人。對寶寶的黃疸、包皮、濕疹、混合餵養、被動操、撫觸按摩、早教互動都很專業。注重激發寶寶大腦生長發育。【月子餐】我擅長營養搭配、煲湯等等。【產婦護理】我可以協助產婦進行個人身體恢復,指導產婦坐月子期間應該注意事項,避免落下月子病。指導產婦如何進行母乳喂養。並時刻關心產婦心理。

Hello everyone, I'm Mrs.Liu from Hubei, and I have 10 years of experience working as a maternity matron. I have extensive experience in baby care and postpartum care. I started working as a maternity matron in 2012, and in 2016, I came to the United States to work as a maternity matron and infant caregiver. [Newborn Care] I am someone who values cleanliness and loves babies. I am highly skilled in caring for babies, including dealing with jaundice, circumcision care, diaper rash, mixed feeding, passive exercises, soothing massages, and early childhood education interactions. I pay special attention to stimulating a baby's brain development. [Postpartum Meals] I am skilled in nutrition planning and cooking nutritious meals, including making nourishing soups. [Postpartum Care] I can assist postpartum mothers in their personal physical recovery, provide guidance on what to pay attention to during the postpartum period to prevent postpartum health issues, and guide mothers on how to breastfeed. I am also attentive to the emotional well-being of postpartum mothers.

Mrs.Tian (Beijing)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello everyone, I'm Mrs.Tian, a professional maternity matron from Beijing. I used to be a gynecological nurse and have extensive clinical experience in gynecology and obstetrics. Due to my love for babies, I later transitioned into becoming a maternity matron and infant caregiver. I have also worked as a lecturer, training new maternity matrons and teaching courses on maternal and infant care. I worked as a maternity matron in Beijing for 6 years and received professional maternity matron training. I have cared for over a hundred babies. I excel in techniques such as lactation initiation, breast milk promotion, traditional Chinese medicine therapies, pediatric massages, infant exercises, and gas relief exercises. When it comes to cooking postpartum meals, I emphasize nutritional balance and adjust the flavors to suit the preferences of the mother. I offer a variety of postpartum soups and desserts, along with medicinal dishes to aid in the mother's postpartum recovery. I have been in the United States for four years and have continued to work as a maternity matron. I have extensive experience in caring for American babies and can provide labor support. I am highly responsible, organized, and skilled in communication. I hope to have the opportunity to serve all the mothers out there.

Mrs.Li (Sichuan)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello everyone, I am Mrs.Li from Chengdu, Sichuan. I have been working as a postpartum nanny for 8 years, including 3 years in the United States. I am familiar with the baby care processes in American hospitals, and I combine traditional Chinese and scientific postpartum care concepts to serve new mothers. I have attended professional postpartum care training courses, particularly in postpartum dietary planning. During the postpartum period, I focus on helping new mothers with postpartum recovery, lactation, and preventing issues like breast engorgement and cracked nipples. I also assist mothers in adjusting their bodies, eliminating lochia, and promoting wound healing to prevent postpartum illnesses. I provide round-the-clock care for babies, including feeding, burping, soothing to sleep, bathing, and infant massages. I am skilled in helping babies overcome jaundice, preventing diaper rash, eczema, milk rash, colic, bloating, spitting up, and other common issues. During the postpartum period, I help babies establish a regular routine and educate parents on baby care. I am passionate about my work as a postpartum nanny and have extensive experience and knowledge. I hope to have the opportunity to provide professional services for you and your family.

Mrs.Zhao (Hubei)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


I come from Hubei and have been working as a postpartum caregiver in the United States for 6 years. I previously worked in infant care in China and am skilled in taking care of twins and premature babies. I have accumulated a wealth of experience, and I excel in various aspects of postpartum care. I can arrange my schedule efficiently and have extensive experience dealing with issues like newborn jaundice, diaper rash, and eczema. I provide infant massages and engage in activities to stimulate the baby's brain development and early language skills. I am also adept at preparing nutritious meals tailored to the mother's constitution, including both northern and southern Chinese dishes, noodles, and soups. I offer care and support for mothers, including postpartum psychological counseling, lactation support, and assistance with breastfeeding. I am diligent, patient, and caring in my work, and I prioritize the well-being of mothers, allowing them to rest assured while I take care of their babies.

Mrs.Huang (Guangxi)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


Hello, everyone! I'm Ms. Huang from Liuzhou, Guangxi. I used to work as a maternity ward nurse in Liuzhou City People's Hospital. In 2003, I obtained my certification as a postpartum caregiver and started my career as a postpartum caregiver. I have been taking care of babies for 18 years and have looked after over a hundred babies, including twins, babies with jaundice, low birth weight babies, and premature babies. I provide comprehensive care for newborns, including daily routines, feeding, ensuring proper milk intake to prevent choking and spitting up, gentle and thorough diaper changes, and preventing diaper rash. I also keep detailed records of the baby's schedule. I have a strong affection for babies and have experience taking care of three-year-olds. I can prepare baby food, engage in early education, and provide physical exercises for babies. When it comes to taking care of mothers, I go the extra mile to help mothers recover their strength, support breastfeeding, and prepare a variety of nutritious postpartum soups and balanced meals with both meat and vegetables. 

Mrs.Lu (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

我是娜姐,來自廣東,2010年開始從事月嫂工作至今十多年,現在在美國做月嫂。 2014年考有月嫂證、催乳證,空閒時間不斷學習。我能根據產婦身體情況搭配適合的月子餐、營養膳食,精通產後通乳、催乳及產後恢復,對產後有抑鬱情形的產婦進行心理疏導,細心呵護寶媽產褥期及寶寶。多謝每⼀位顧主對我工作的認可和信任,使我對工作充滿熱愛和信心,選擇我為您服務能使我們像親人般相處,用我的愛心讓您滿意。

I am Mrs.Lu from Guangdong, and I have been working as a postpartum caregiver (also known as a "yuesao") for over ten years, starting in 2010. Currently, I am working as a postpartum caregiver in the United States. In 2014, I obtained certifications in postpartum care and lactation consulting, and I continuously strive to learn and improve during my free time. I can tailor appropriate postpartum meals and nutrition based on the physical condition of the new mother. I am proficient in postpartum breastfeeding support, milk stimulation, and postpartum recovery. I also provide psychological counseling for mothers experiencing postpartum depression and offer attentive care to both the mother and the baby during the postpartum period. I would like to express my gratitude to every client who has recognized and trusted my work. Your trust and recognition have filled me with love and confidence in my profession. Choosing me to serve you will allow us to bond like family, and I will use my caring heart to ensure your satisfaction.

Mrs.Ye (Guangxi)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


I have a college degree and have previously worked as a kindergarten teacher and substitute teacher in primary schools. I have also worked as a postpartum caregiver and infant caregiver in Guangzhou, China. I have taken courses in maternal and infant care as well as early childhood education, and I hold advanced certifications in postpartum care and infant caregiving. Upon coming to the United States, I initially worked at a postpartum care center and later transitioned to providing in-home postpartum care as well as working as a nanny. Over the years, I have accumulated a wealth of experience in maternal and infant care. I am highly dedicated to taking care of babies and provide round-the-clock care, including attentive nighttime care, with a strong sense of responsibility. I do not overlook any aspect of my duties.

Mrs.Bai (Henan)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles

我是紅姐,高中學歷,來自河南。我從事月嫂和育兒工作有20年了,⼀直兢兢業業,認真勤勞。 自2000開始在上海、浙江、蘇州等地做月嫂。 有些從出生⼀直帶到2歲多,得到寶媽們的認可。我做過明星的新生兒寶寶,因為帶的好,還幫我辦理了美國簽證,所以我來到了美國,開始照顧美寶。我做飯好吃,各種海鮮、湯類、麵食都沒問題,營養合理搭配,寶寶們都愛吃!

I am Mrs.Bai, and I have a high school education. I come from Henan. I have been working as a postpartum caregiver and childcare provider for 20 years, always diligently and conscientiously. I started my career in 2000 in various locations such as Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Suzhou. Some of the babies I've cared for have been with me from birth to over 2 years old, and I have earned the recognition of their mothers. I have even taken care of newborn babies of celebrities, and because of my excellent care, I was assisted in obtaining a U.S. visa, which allowed me to come to the United States to care for American babies. I am skilled in cooking and can prepare delicious meals, including a variety of seafood, soups, and noodles. I ensure a balanced and nutritious diet, and the babies all love my cooking!

Mrs.Cao (Guangdong)

洛杉磯 Los Angeles


I am a postpartum caregiver from Guangdong, and you can call me Lisa or Jiaojiao. I am fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese, and have some knowledge of English. I am known for my patience, attention to detail, sense of responsibility, and a kind-hearted nature. I take my work seriously and approach it with dedication and integrity. Over the past decade, I have helped numerous new mothers with postpartum recovery and have cared for dozens of newborns. I provide meticulous care for newborns and surrogate babies and have extensive experience in handling issues such as jaundice, phimosis, eczema, and diaper rash in newborns.



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